About the Forum

The Historical Research Forum is a new initiative aimed at bringing together all those
engaged in historical research in the School of History – postgraduate research students
and academic staff. Organised and convened by current PhD candidates, the Forum aims
to gather the various strands of PhD and research life: research training, workshops,
social events, the annual research colloquium and the monthly Historical Research
. The Forum will provide both a collegial and welcoming environment for
researchers based in the School of History and the opportunity for research students and
academic staff to meet informally. MA students are also welcome as the Forum is an
excellent way for them to find out more about life as a PhD student.

The Historical Research Seminar will be held monthly on Tuesday evenings and offer
research students and staff the opportunity to present a twenty-minute paper in a
friendly, constructive environment. PhD students are encouraged to give papers at the
Seminar during their time at Queen Mary.

The Forum events, including the Research Seminar, are organised by Craig Griffiths,
Eleanor Betts and Dana Smith. Please contact: historicalresearchforum@gmail.com

Seminar and Forum events are held in ROOM 3.16, in the Arts Two building.